Rohan Wiki

Trinity’s Birth

Trinity’s Birth is a quest acquired upon entering the world of ROHAN as Mar. In order for your trinity class to complete this quest you need to complete a series of sub quests. Unlike other classes, Trinity class is born as a child spirit called Mar and will evolve into a new form, an old spirit as they call it Rumir and Noir which the player can evolve to upon completing this quest.

Embroided Star on the Sky – The goal of this quest is to look for NPC Jeanne which you can find on the southern part of the map. Once you have located the NPC it will ask you to look for NPC Berr.

Reward: exp


How to See the Map – NPC Berr will ask you to familiarize the map by locating your current position. This is done by moving your character forward until the destination has been reached.

                Reward: exp

Trinity 2
Trinity 3


ROHAN Life – This quest will only guide you back to NPC Berr wherein she will explain the current state of ROHAN. Upon completing this quest, NPC Berr will reward you an item that is required to be traded to NPC Podun.

                Rewards: Common Fruit and exp

How to Trade  - NPC Berr will advise you to talk to NPC Podun. The goal of this quest is to successfully trade an item and collect Sedative which you can buy from the same NPC. To gain crones, I sold the Common Fruit to NPC Podun then proceeded to buying the Sedative. Lastly, NPC Podun asked me to talk to NPC Serre.

Reward: exp

Toehold of Growth – Serre will narrate a story of how perilous her Journey to Arbelorn due to monsters across her path.


·         Exp

·         Skill Enhancement Stone (100%)

Other Opportunity – Serre will teach you how to distribute stat points and skill points to improve your abilities.


·         Exp

·         Reset Status Stone (7 days)

·         Reset Skill Stone (7 days)               

Dangerous Monsters – Serre will ask you to kill 5 Violent Plants.


·         Exp

·         Potion (5)

Trinity 4

Understanding M. Kill - This quest will guide you on how to gain exp in ROHAN. NPC Serre will also ask you to kill 10 Rascal Pixies, 10 Angry Pixies. Once the monster kill is completed, you can now proceed to NPC Phospie.


·         Exp

·         Sprint Scroll (event)

Trinity 5

Make a Friend – Phospie will explain the identity of Mar and will request to collect 6 Energy of Spirits from wings of Angry Pixie. Once done, submit the quest to Phospie then proceed to NPC Phoebe.


·         Exp

·         Egg of Spirit

Fast Way – Phoebie will ask you to collect 6 Catalyst Materials. You can acquire this quest item by hunting Warlike Drys.


·         Exp

·         Hatching Catalyst

Trinity 6

Make a Friend 2 -  Talk again to NPC Phospie, you will then be asked to make an egg that is about to hatch with an Egg Spirit and a Catalyst Material through the Recycle System 2, then submit it back to him.


·         Exp

·         Newly Hatched Spirit

Trinity 7

Make a Friend 3 – Talk to NPC Phobie and purchase an Empty Spirit weapon. Submit it to NPC Phospie to get the rewards.


·         Exp

·         Amorphous Spirit Weapon

Trinity 8

Guidance of Darkness/Guidance of Light – The quest title depends on the job or faction that you will choose. If you picked Rumir, NPC Phospie will request you to kill Council of Darkness. For Noir you should kill Council of Light. After killing the assigned council, you will now transform into your preferred faction.

Reward: Exp and your preferred job

Trinity 9